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Owners Barry Fagan and Tracey Fagan offer over five decades of combined experience in the planning, design, construction, and maintenance of built and natural infrastructure.
FAGAN offers licensed professional engineers and land surveyors as well as certified professionals in construction stormwater management, post-construction stormwater management, and sustainable infrastructure.
Deep connections to state and national construction and environmental protection communities allow FAGAN to actively contribute to advancing the state of practice for infrastructure delivery.
Stewardship - the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care.
FAGAN sees stewardship in infrastructure as being dedicated to supporting the delivery of livable, sustainable, and resilient infrastructure.
FAGAN focuses on providing a better understanding of environmental responsibilities and mitigating risks so our clients can
focus on what they do best -
deliver infrastructure.
Sustainability – the ability to be maintained and balanced.
FAGAN sees sustainability in infrastructure as being a set of economic, environmental, and social conditions in which all of society has the capacity and opportunity to maintain and improve its quality of life for future generations without degrading the quantity, quality, or the availability of economic, environmental, and social resources.
Infrastructure sustainability is measured by performance.
FAGAN helps clients to ensure infrastructure sustainability through an approach that considers both short and long-term costs and benefits to the owner and to society.
Resilience – the ability to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions.
FAGAN sees infrastructure resilience as having planned, prepared for, mitigated, and adapted to changing conditions from natural and man-made hazards to enable rapid recovery of economic, environmental, and social infrastructure.
Resilience doesn’t necessarily reflect a return to the ways things were.
FAGAN helps clients to envision, understand, and adapt to changing regulatory and climactic conditions so they can better serve stakeholders and communities in ways that acknowledge the realities and challenges of infrastructure delivery and operation.